Thursday, February 04, 2010

"Snus" and "Dip", the same thing?

For those of you out there who are planning to bring a bag of snus when going abroad to the US; don't do it. If you live close to a big city, it is very likely that you will find a place where they sell it. Chicago is one of these cities, and online shops like or sell snus for less than half the price of what Norwegian shops charge. Some cans to start on might be smart to bring from the duty-free shop, but if you buy too many they will just expire, so it is better to get them fresh over here.

If you are a little more willing to adapt to other kinds of tobacco, then you will find it even easier live here without snus. Very few Americans are known to the Scandinavian Snus, but they have a similar tobacco product called "dip" or "chew", which is grinded tobacco, which can be loose or in pouches (a littlebit longer than the average "portion snus"). The difference is not just the product itself, but how the people here use it: People put it in their under lip, and spit(or swallow) the juice that comes out of it. You sometimes even see people walking around with bottles full of black spit, which they have saved up during classes. When using dip in your upper lip on the other hand, it pretty much has the same effect as snus and does not make you have to spit, like the dip. More choosy/picky users of snus will probably find the taste and feeling of dip disguisting, but others do not mind the difference. I guess everyone have to find out for themselves.


Andreas said...

Wow.. And I thought snus was disgusting.. is it really "normal" for people to walk around with a bottle of black spit? Would like to see the reactions to that in a norwegian school. :p

Unknown said...

There ar'ent that many people using it, and some of them also swallow the saliva, but most spit it on the ground when they are outside, or in bottles when they are indoor.. Disgusting if you ask me!

PaulHenrik said...

It's pretty much the same thing! ;) but Snus is so much better! :P prolly 'cause i'm used to it! :P
But Americans put the dip in their underlip! But got dip pouches though!

Unknown said...

I agree.. But I found out that they also have camel snus on most gas stations, for 5$ each..

Tiril said...

Det gikk bra å slutte med snusinga ser jeg! :D