Thursday, January 21, 2010


As all the students are living so close to each other here on campus, the administration and some of the students are EXTREMELY worried about the Swineflu. To prevent the disease, the school are offering free vaccine and counceling at the school doctor. They have evn put up sanitizers on every corner, and warning posters of which rooms that can be infected, and which sinks and toilets that are being used for people experiencing flu symptoms. To top it all, every stundent has to do a daily healthcheck at the front desk, to state that they are healthy. If a stundent drops this healthcheck many days in a row, a nurse or someone from the adninistration will come up to your room to see if you are ok. Hysteria, if you ask me..


Lí - 丽拉 said...

That's sick... & I do not believe in vaccines... Do you participate this circus as well, don't you? :O

Unknown said...

i was forced to take the vaccine by my mom.. but nothing has changed since i took it, so i don't really care;)