Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Drop/Add day

After two weeks of school, every student get to decide if they want to stick with the courses they are enrolled in, and if they want to add/drop courses. I used this chance to add two courses, while I left the course "Leadership and Communication". I joined the course "Human Sexuality" because I want to understand how these psychological factors affect people in their daily life. I also added "Internship" to my schedule. This is a very common way for students here in the US to get credits, and it also makes you learn things in a practical way. My tasks are:

  • To make a Norwegian cultural table and personal presence at March Study Abroad Fair
  • Blogging about the school, and differences between the US and Norway (This blog)
  • Create and develop promotion material, such as posters and guide booklets
  • Classroom Presentations about Norway and the exchange program that Stritch is offering


    Andreas said...

    Does that mean you'll get points for blogging here, or will you start a new one?

    Unknown said...

    I will probably have to change the name and make the information and the language in the posts more correct, but I will just continue with the same blog, yes;)